Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Ready or not this year` s snowboard season arrived

As the weather forecast announced, the snow began to fall on the evening of December 1st. This morning, when I left for work I grabbed with me the photo camera to immortalize this year` s first snow in town.
Well, everything was so nice around me, and the new surroundings kept me dreaming for a little while... then I realized that I have to leave, and started to take the snow off the car... that wasn` t so nice but I had to do it.
On my way to work I met with a friend and passed by a sport department to wax our snowboards.
It might be early to go snowboarding but I can` t wait until tommorow... Me and some friends are going to a ski resort to test the new powder that gathered until now( 80 cm). This is how the snow will look like in april

I` ll keep you posted

Tuesday, April 4, 2006

Hakkoda Walls

Even if it is April, Hakkoda still surprises visitors with its unique landscapes